“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

Think about this one. It’s been so incredibly powerful for me! We often don’t realize how much our fears really hold us back from doing things. I just started a new job, publishing a magazine, a few months ago. It requires me to do a lot of selling that I’m not normally accustomed to doing as a writer. I’ve been very successful in the selling that I’ve done, but yet I was still afraid to call on some businesses. I read this quote, and it has seriously made a major impact on the way I view myself.

What would I do if I wasn’t afraid? Well, what I’ve done now that I’m not letting fear get in my way, is gone on to set 20 appointments this week to sell my advertising. I’m not afraid of the “no” anymore. I’m not afraid of the voices in my head that tell me that I can’t do this.

I’ve got this down now! Every morning I ask myself this very question. “what would you do if you weren’t afraid?”. This simple little quote has set me free!!! I hope that it does the very same for you.

Make it a great day. I believe in YOU!